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Pack and Pray   A ministry option in conjunction with AHAT Adventist Homeless Action Team. Every Wednesday night at 7 pm. Come meet with us for prayer and bible study. Immediately after we prepare lunches to be given out on Thursday in the parks of Oakland. We prepare about 50 lunches every week. For more information

Women's Bible Study The second Saturday of every month. Stay for lunch and a Bible study sponsored by Womenıs Ministry Director. For more information contact Pam Zelaski.
10/03/05   Our special event is open to dolore magna aliquam erat voonsec tetuer adipdolore magna et, cdolore magna aliquam erat voonsec tetuer adipdolore magna aliquam erat voiscing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nibh euismod tincidunt utLorem i ea commodo cogiat nulla facilis.
We would welcome your help in the different areas of ministry here at the church if you are interested please contact:

Marolyn Maldonado: Fellowship Meal Coordinator
Wendy Ruiz Henderson: Sabbath School Superintendent
Dexter Thomas: Homeless Ministries
Lee Smith: Ministry to the sick and shut-in