- Education
- San Francisco State University
- Masters of Arts, English with Concentration in TESOL, 2008
- Served as a mentor for Berkeley Extension's adult education credential program
- Oberlin College
- Bachelor of Arts, Politics, 1999
- Awarded a Cole Scholarship, a competitive grant for study in electoral politics
- Teaching
- 2009-Present Laney College, Oakland, CA
- Instructor
- Developed curricula for and taught Vocabulary 4
- Researched and selected an online course for Grammar 4
- Taught the final month of a Speaking 1 course for a coworker who took an emergency
leave of absence
- Presented on online curriculum development through Moodle
- 2008-Present Carpenters Union, Oakland, CA
- VESL Instructor
- Contracted by the Carpenters Union to start an apprentice carpenters' VESL class
- Instructed students in English in the classroom and on the shop floor
- Regularly met with the carpentry instructors to create an entry assessment, re-write
the safety exam, and develop class-specific materials with photos and text
- 2002-Present Oakland Adult and Career Education, Oakland, CA
- Teacher
- Taught intermediate ESL in an open-enrollment class for 6 consecutive years
- Wrote approximately 100 ESL stories for intermediate-level ESL students
- Taught EL Civics and administered needs assessments and CASAS tests
- Integrated communicative language principles into everyday teaching practice
- Curriculum
- 2009-Present Service Employees International Union, Oakland, CA
- Curriculum Developer
- Wrote curricula around Health and Safety
- Collaborated with instructors to update existing materials and write new ones
- 2008 Oakland Adult and Career Education, Oakland, CA
- Online Curriculum Developer
- Co-created OACE's' first on-line ESL class
- Created audio/video content, grammar lessons and assessments for a disasters unit
- 2003-2004 Oakland Adult and Career Education, Oakland, CA
- EL Civics Curriculum Developer
- Collected existing materials from state agencies and adult schools across California
and developed new material on crime, natural disasters and accidents at home
- Talks
- 2009 Bay Area CATESOL, San Francisco, CA
- “Affected Development”
- Presented on happiness in learning, and implications for English language learning
- 2008 Northern Regional CATESOL, San Jose, CA
- “Teaching English with Social Justice Stories”
- “Creating Interactive Online Adult Education ESL Classes with Moodle”
- Presented on using social justice stories to maximize English language learning
- Co-presented on creating Oakland Adult Education's first online ESL course
- Skills
- Skilled in Macintosh, Windows and Linux platforms
- Proficient in basic audio-, video- and digital image-editing software
- Strong spoken Japanese, beginning-level Spanish
- Interests
- Avid reader and city bicyclist
- Black belt in jujitsu and Aikido
- Strong interest in advocating for social justice
- References available upon request