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I am available for creating curriculum and materials for a variety of ESL environments.

EL Civics
I have created curricula for 5 different EL Civics units:
• Disasters
• Safety & First Aid
• Police
• Safety at Home
• Housing

Here is my latest work, an illustrated guide to giving first aid in 5 different emergency situations.

I am teaching vocational ESL for apprentice carpenters, and developing curriculum for SEIU's Building Skills Partnership: an English program for janitors. One unit I created was Working Safely with Chemicals.

I have created materials for a handful of academic ESL classes. For my Vocabulary 4 class I created a handout on How Written Information is Organized.

I have taken photographs for many different types of curricula; I have also used photo-editing software to make basic and advanced modifications to digital photographs. These photographs include Icons, Diagrams and Picture Prompts.
©2009 The ESL Garden  |  Last updated 06-16-2009  |  Design by